Episode 39 - Viral Friendship Feat. Nirmal Pillai & Abishek Kumar.

It's good to be back after so long. After touring America and Europe I was itching to do a Simpleken episode. I had spoken to Nirmal and Abhishek that I was very keen to pick their brains about their journey so far. I love also exploring what makes two very creative minds gravitate towards each other. They spoke about how they work together, feeling alienation from the scene and what the future lies for them. We explored being in a relationship and also being single. Of course, Existential dread was also brought up as it is tradition with every episode. Hope you enjoy watching this as much as I did.

Audio Version:


Episode 40 - Clean Comedy Feat Hoezaay


Episode 38 - Love Languages Feat. Kanan, Prashasti, Shreeja & Shamik.